Please ensure you include all the information and documentation in the list below where requested in the application form. If the required information is not provided correctly when the application is submitted, the application will be considered ineligible and will not proceed to the assessment phase.
- Documentation to demonstrate your organisations non-profit status (ABN and/or incorporation number).
- If applying under Auspice, a letter of agreement with the Auspice Organisation.
- Link to your entry on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website OR copy of your constitution/rules.
- A copy of your organisations or groups most recent main bank statement.
- One (1) letter of support from an individual or representative of a community group or organisation relevant to your application.
- Two (2) quotations for services or catalogue prices for goods required by the project.
- Relevant evidence of permits and consents.
Please note that the following will not be funded by the CCWF Community Fund:
- Individuals (excepting scholarships through the Scholarship Program, or individuals with the backing of an eligible organisation).
- Political organisations or campaigns.
- Religious activities.
- An organisation's ongoing operational costs (rent, salaries etc.).
- Private companies or commercial entities.
- Activities which encourage the irresponsible use of alcohol/drugs/gambling.
- Activities which are usually exclusively funded by government.
- Activities which provide a direct financial benefit to employees of CCWF or contractors.
- Applications seeking retrospective funding.